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Author Name: Sribash Tikader
Research Area: Geography and Environment
Volume: 04
Issue: 03
Page No: 181-188
Emailed: 2
Total Downloads: 1152
Country: India
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Burdwan district is known as Rice bowl of West Bengal and Bhatar Block ranks first in Burdwan district in terms of Rabi Crops especially Boro paddy production. Ground water condition of the block was more deplorable than any other blocks of the district. Naturally enough, district administration has branded it as dark block. The prime aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of Rabi crop cultivation on ground water resource. Data and information were collected from field survey during 2014-15 and different secondary sources. Microsoft Excel, QGIS 2.8 and arcview3.2a RS-GIS software were used for the study. The study reveals that during last 30 years the block experienced about 150 % increase in Boro paddy cultivated land. It was also found that farmers of the region diverted some area from Mustard and Rabi vegetable to crop like Boro paddy cultivation for getting more profit. During the assessment period the block as a whole experienced almost 600 % decrease in wheat cultivated area. Expansion of Boro cultivated land of the block was the main cause of such type of negative growth of wheat cultivated land. Boro Paddy is water sensitive food crop, in this area mainly ground water is used for its cultivation; consequently ground water resource of the region gets affected by Boro paddy cultivation. The average depth of the ground water table increased from 7.4 meter (1985) to over 20 meter (2014) within the last 29 years. In the concluding part, less water needy crops cultivation instead of water needy crops, water harvesting and sustainable water resource management are recommended.