The experiment was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory of the Department of Geneticsand Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during July 2007 to May2008. Twenty-nine introgressed Brassica lines/genotypes were tested in different concentrationsof salt in glass vials. Significance variations were observed for all the characters in all thegenotypes. Generally, germination percentage, seedling height and weight, root length andweight, and primary leaf area were maximum in control and minimum at 0.6% salinity level.Days to germination were delayed with the increase of salinity level. Considering all the characters the genotypes G12, one of the selection of cross Brassica napus X Brassica napus; G1,one of the selection cross Brassica napus X Brassica juncea; G20, one of the selection cross Brassica napus X Brassica juncea; BINA-5; G13, one of the selection of cross Brassica napus X Brassica napus; G4, one of the selection cross Brassica napus X Brassica juncea; BINA Sarisha-4 were found to be the more salt tolerant genotypes than the others. Again the genotypes G15,one of the selection of cross Brassica napus X Brassica napus; G3, one of the selection cross Brassica napus X Brassica juncea; G24, G17, one of the selection of cross Brassica napus X Brassica napus; G5, one of the selection cross Brassica napus X Brassica juncea were the most susceptible ones.