An attempt has been made to examine the profitability of fish farming according to four farming systems. Farmers were classified into four categories such as: only rice farming O-R-F, only fish farming (O-F-F), rice-cum-fish farming (R-C-F) and alternate rice fish farming (A-R-F). For this research, 120 farmers were selected of which 30, 30, 30 and 30 farmers from O-R-F, O-F-F, R-C-F and A-R-F systems. The farmers were selected from three areas namely Dhanikhola, Boylor and Trisal sadar from Mymensingh district. a stratified random sampling technique was followed. Per hectare total cost of production of O-F-F, A-R-F, R-C-F and O-R-F were Tk 52,122.32, Tk.51,701.36, Tk.34,976.58 and Tk.24,497.99 respectively. Per hectare gross return were Tk. 69,963.57, Tk. 67,452.97, Tk. 45,923.34 and Tk. 34,744.03 and per hectare net return were, Tk. 55,375.27, Tk. 53,319.61, Tk. 31,590.84 and Tk. 23,471.53 for O-F-F, A-R-F, R-C-F and O-R-F farming system respectively. It was observed that net return was the highest for the O-F-F farming system. On the other hand, the research found that the benefit cost ratio (BCR) was 2.06, 2.03, 1.90, and 1.06 for O-F-F, A-R-F, R-C-F, and O-R-F farming system, respectively indicates that O-F-F farmer earned more profit than the other systems. To increase more profit, needs to overcome the economic, technical and social problems. Adequate training programs on fish production should be organized for fish farmers in the area for the dissemination of research findings.