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Author Name: Wasim Sabbir, Tania Sultana, Md. Nuruzzaman Khan, Mukta Das and S. M. Bazlur Rahaman
Research Area: Agricultural Science
Volume: 05
Issue: 01
Page No: 1-6
Emailed: 0
Total Downloads: 1388
Country: Bangladesh
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The experiment was conducted to demonstrate semi-intensive shrimp (Penaeus monodon)culture in freshwater pond at Shyamnagar upazilla under Satkhira district, during February to September 2010. Six ponds were selected to carry out the experiment. All the ponds were rectangular in shape and possessed similar size (50 decimals) and depth (4 feet) with good dikes.Three ponds (treatment 1) were given semi-intensive treatment to study the growth performance,survival and production rate of shrimp. Other ponds were used for extensive culture practice (treatment 2). Water was collected from underground source with shallow pump. To ensure adequate supply of oxygen, engine aeration system was introduced in treatment 1. PCR (Polymerized Chain Reaction) tested shrimp fry were stocked at the rate of 10 fry/m2 in treatment 1 and 1.7 fry/m2 in treatment 2. Pelleted CP feeds were used in treatment 1 as supplemental feed. Feeding frequency was four (6 am, 11 am, 5 pm and 10 pm) with a feeding rate prescribed by the feed manufacturer. In order to increase the production, dolomite and Super PS were used in treatment 1. Recorded survival rate were 65.1±1.9% and 49.2±4% for treatment1 and treatment 2 respectively. Production obtained from semi-intensive and extensive culture system were 2,391±161 and 347±23 kg/ha respectively. The net profit obtained from the intensiveness system was Tk. 5,84,149 ha-1 but profit margin was found negative from extensive system. The present study clearly revealed that semi-intensive culture system was better than the traditional method in all aspects of growth and economic feasibility.