In Bangladesh bamboos are grown almost all of the villages. Bamboos are
liable to attack by many kinds of insect pests and cause considerable losses in
natural stands and plantations. To know the insect pests associated with green
bamboos a systematic insect survey and documentation of various types of pests,
their mode of infestation and damage in nurseries and plantations were done in
the present study. For this reason different nurseries and village plantations
of 49 upazilas of eighteen districts of Khulna, Rajshahi, Rangpur and
Chattogram divisions were visited during June 2013 to July 2017. The collected
pests were identified by using the identifying key, description and literature
of Beeson, Baksha and Browne and by comparing reference in the insect museum of
Forest Protection Division of Bangladesh forest Research Institute. Nature and
extent of damage by each insect pest was recorded. A total 28 insect pests
species were recorded from 18 selected districts of bamboo nurseries and
plantations. Of which 12 species ware leaf roller, 9 species were sap sucker, 4
were culm borer and 3 species were root feeders belonging to 21 families and 11
orders. Most of the insects were major some minor. Though natural forest
systems have a way of keeping pest populations under control but manmade
plantations require human intervention to ensure their survival and
productivity from insect damage. As bamboos are now being grown increasingly
and intensively in plantations, the need for a better understanding of and an
increased vigilance against pests has become essential and urgent.