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Author Name: AFM Jamal Uddin, F.M. Nasif, B. Kaynat, M. Maliha and M. Rakibuzzaman
Research Area: Agricultural Science
Volume: 09
Issue: 03
Page No: 01–05
Emailed: 1
Total Downloads: 1199
Country: Bangladesh
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The application of inorganic and synthetic chemicals has increased vastly and has a negative impact on human health as well as environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of organic bio-stimulator on growth and yield attributes of strawberry. The experiment was consisted of four treatments, T0: Control; T1: Neem oil; T2: Bordeaux mixture; T3: Clybio; and arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The effects on vegetative growth, yield attributes and fruit quality (Brix %) were investigated and they showed significant variation. Furthermore, strawberry fruit color (fruit skin and flesh) measured and expressed through L* (lightness), a* and b* (two Cartesian coordinates) including C* and hab (Chroma & Hue angle) based on CIELab scale. The results showed that, Clybio (T3) and Bordeaux mixture (T2) treatment more prominently enhanced vegetative growth (crown height, SPAD value, runner number) and yield attributes (flower number, fruit length); maximum fruit number (26.3), fruit weight (25.3 g), Brix value (7.1) recorded in T3 treatment, and Clybio led to greater improvement in fruit yield (69.6%) over control treatment. So, it can be concluded that Clybio can be recommended as a bio-fertilizer that had the bio-stimulating impact to improve vegetative growth as well as higher yield.