The research was conducted at the farmer field Tabaria area Natore District in Bangladesh, during December 2013 to April 2014 to determine the optimum level of irrigation schedules and nitrogen rates for enhanced growth and physiological development of hybrid maize. The interaction effect of irrigations and nitrogen levels significantly influenced on hybrid maize of different growth parameters viz. plant height, plant girth, total leaves plant-1, effective leaves plant-1, non-effective leaves plant-1, total roots plant-1, straw weight plant-1, straw yield t ha-1. Along with this, it also means a constant, potential source of danger since in irrigated cultivation the high dose of N-fertilizer can multiple the amount of nitrate leaching from the root zone, increasing the harm on ground waters. When determining the optimal amount irrigation, we have to consider the amount of applied N-fertilizer as well as the soil in order to avoid leaching from the upper layer. Maize has high growth potential and responds well to different management practices. Among various management practices, irrigation and nitrogen play a significant role in realizing the maximum potential of the crop. Irrigation scheduling is the technology for applying the proper amount of water at the right time. Reasons for using irrigation scheduling are to reduce water applications, energy consumption and deep percolation of water below the crop root zone.