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Author Name: Md. Nuruzzaman Khan, Shamima Sultana, Wasim Sabbir, Mukta Das and K. M. Shamir Azam Saikat
Research Area: Agricultural Science
Volume: 05
Issue: 01
Page No: 54-59
Emailed: 0
Total Downloads: 1864
Country: Bangladesh
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Guchi Baim (Mastacembelus pancalus) is a highly important commercial species in Bangladesh. Therefore, biological knowledge of this species is essential to develop suitable aquaculture technique. The study deals with hepatosomatic index (HSI), alimentosomatic index (ASI), condition factor, relative gut length and food and feeding habit of Guchi Baim (M. pancalus) collected from Khulna region during April to June 2014. Different biological parameters were recorded using centimeter scale, fine pointed divider, foreceps and slide calipers. Total length, standard length, head length, length of upper jaw, length of lower jaw and height of the body were 14.74 ± 1.01,13.50 ± 0.86, 1.67 ±0.23, 0.70±0.15, 0.592± 0.15 and 1.7378 ±  0.26  centimeter respectively. The fin formula was recorded D. 18- 31/26-35. For the sample, scales on the lateral line was ranged from 21-31with an average 26.8 ± 2.64. The fish weight, liver weight and gut weight were 16.32 ± 2.46, 0.016± 0.0019 and 0.64 ± 0.034 g respectively. ASI, HSI and condition factor were 3.99 ± 0.56, 0.097± 0.018, 0.51 ± 0.06 indicates greater liver activity and feeding intensity. The relationships among different variables were found linear. Bloodworms, flake foods, insect larvae, oligochaetes, earthworms, small shrimp, shrimp larvae, crustaceans and mollusks were major gut content, suggested that the species is carnivorous.