A total of 260 respondents were randomly selected from Rangpur, Mymensingh and Gazipur districts of Bangladesh to collect data on availability of rice by products, market price and adulteration types and process of rice polish (RP) and the data were analyzed using SPSS to explore knowledge on present adulteration status of RP. Different kinds of rice by products were available as- RP, raw RP, auto RP, parboiled RP, single crash RP, double crash RP, kura and auto kura. RP was mainly adulterated by different types of rice by products and foreign particles like non nutritive fillers and limestone. However, there were many process involved to make RP adulterated. RP price increased with the increase of demand and the same was decreased with the increase of supply and during off season the supply was low. This study might be helpful to make better use of RP by taking steps to prevent adulterations