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Author Name: Lanny Kusumawati
Research Area: Law and Justice
Volume: 07
Issue: 02
Page No: 91-101
Emailed: 1
Total Downloads: 863
Country: Indonesia
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The purpose of this study is to find out the legal status of land rights resulting from coastal and marine reclamation, regulations regarding coastal reclamation have not been clearly regulated in Indonesia, so that it is often very detrimental to the local community and the State, on the contrary beneficial to coastal and marine reclamators. This type of research is normative juridical, qualitative research design is chosen to answer the problem with a sociological juridical approach. The phenomelonology method is used by looking at phenomena, facts, experiences by exploring data through interviews. The object of research is Kenjeran Beach in East Surabaya and Pantai Indah Kapuk in North Jakarta. This research uses planned behavior theory and needs theory. This reclamation raises the pros and cons, some people reject beach and sea reclamation, are considered detrimental, but some people support beach and sea reclamation. This contradiction is triggered by the many agencies that make regulations and deal with reclamation issues, so that each agency has different opinions, even in fact out of sync. The result is that the reclamation of coastal and marine lands is not clear the status of their land rights. As a result, authority overlaps.