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Author Name: Md. Mamun Uddin, Simu Dey and Md. Afroz Islam
Research Area: Journalism and Media Studies
Volume: 06
Issue: 04
Page No: 48-54
Emailed: 7
Total Downloads: 1824
Country: Bangladesh
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The current investigation asserts the facts, presentation and treatment of agricultural updates and features published in the mainstream newspapers of Bangladesh in comparison with other news. The study also finds out whether the sampled newspaper publishes any special articles or supplement on agriculture. The research was conducted based on primary data and the data were collected by agricultural content analysis of the five national dailies of Bangladesh. The result shows the percentage of news on agriculture published in the sampled newspapers is just more than one percent (1.36%) and no newspaper publishes even three percent agricultural news. Among the newspapers, the Daily Ittefaq publishes the maximum (2.87%) news on agriculture and the Daily Star stands the second (2.12%). The percentage of farming news published by the remaining newspapers is less than one percent. Besides, among the 35 issues of the sampled newspapers, no news regarding agricultural items has been published in 10 issues. The research also finds 19% news among the total has been published on the first and the last page. There are 37 news along with pictures of the total 57 news on agriculture which is 65%. The study considered the news on agriculture in relation to problems, solutions, innovations, successes and possibilities.