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Author Name: Md. Abdus Sobhan Miah*, Md. Mukul Mia, Md. Shaidul Islam, Md. Sohanur Rahman, Majharul Islam, Md. Abdul Kader, Mohammad Mofizur Rahman Jahangir and Abul Hossain
Research Area: Agricultural Science
Volume: 07
Issue: 04
Page No: 15–20
Emailed: 3
Total Downloads: 1058
Country: Bangladesh
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The field experiment was conducted at the field laboratory of the Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh during Boro season (January 2015-May 2015) evaluating the growth and yield of 5 Boro rice varieties under two irrigation approaches. The experiment was laid out in a two factors Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Factor 'A' represented five varieties, viz. V1 (BRRI dhan28), V2 (BRRI dhan29), V3 (Binadhan-5), V4 (BR14) and V5 (BR58) and factor 'B' represented two irrigation approaches, viz. I1 (application of irrigation at 8 days intervals), I2 (application of irrigation at physiological stages. The experimental field consists of 30 plots to apply 10 treatments with 3 replications for each treatment. Recommended doses of all fertilizers were applied in each plot. Here, growth and yields of Boro rice were significantly (<.001) influenced by variety. Plant height (97.45cm), number of effective tillers hill-1 (14.50), number of non-effective tillers hill-1 (1.933), straw yield (6.403 t ha-1) and biological yield (12.32 t ha-1) were the highest in V3 (Binadhan-5). The panicle length (23.10 cm), grain yield (7.06 t ha-1) and dry root weight (1.58 t ha-1) were highest in V2 (BRRI dhan29). Number of filled grain panicle-1 (154.7), unfilled grain panicle-1 (29.57) and harvest index (60.45 t ha-1) were highest in V5 (BRRI dhan58). Thousand grain weight, grain yield and harvest index were significantly (<.001) influenced by irrigation approaches. Thousand grain weight, grain yield and harvest index were increased significantly under I1 (application of irrigation at 8 days intervals) over I2 (application of irrigation at physiological stages).